Jay Fraga, Retired BMX Racer & Founder of The Knockout Project
Jay Fraga's BMX racing career was cut short due to sustaining multiple concussions and suffering from debilitating post-concussion symptoms (PCS). In episode 18, Jay talks about what is was like to quit the sport he loved and competed in nearly his entire life. Jay also talks about some of the treatments and doctors he has tried that have improved some of his symptoms. Although Jay is not completely out of the woods nearly 6 years post-injury, he continues to remain positive and created a blog dedicated to raising concussion awareness called "The Knockout Project."
Below, is a video of Jay's keynote speech at Baystate Medical Center's Sports Concussion Clinic "Adolescents and Sports Concussion Injuries."
The Knockout Project serves as a platform for athletes to share their experiences with PCS and give others hope. Jay and I are both pro-sports and don't want to scare people away from athletics. However, we want people to be educated about the risks of participating in sports while having a concussion and encourage athletes to speak up when this injury occurs.
Where it all began...
Above is a picture of a boy who fell in love with the sport of BMX.
That same boy who found his identity within the sport of BMX still lives in Jay today. Sports careers don't always end as envisioned, but I hope this episode can help other athletes deal with that loss.
Where can you find Jay?